hello all, first post here,
I once saw a modified Rolleicord with a 6MP digital back, quite interesting concept but a little un-ergonomical, as you can imagine.
I'll try to find the photo, but the concept is interesting. You can modify a rollei back and find a "cheap" back for +/- 500$/€.
However, a real "rollei-made" digital Rollei could be an interesting camera, with a real-time viewfinder. the problem : do we keep a true optical viewfinder with a mirror and a ground glass, and a flip 2 1/2 LCD activated the same way as the loupe (by pushing the sport finder), or a LCD viewfinder only?
I'm sure it would have quite a good success, even though it would be reaaally pricey (a 6X6 CCD sensor?). Shall we put an AF too? And what to do with the crank (we can't get rid of it, come on, otherwise there's no reason to buy a rolleiflex if there isn't anything to turn once the film has reached its end)