HI all and I'm happy to open my first discussion thread in the forum... I've recently purchased a Rolleiflex SLX-2, and I'm very happy I've stepped into the medium format realm and Rollei's world.
I'd like to idea to be able to use my camera for multiple exposures, and I was wondering whether any of you has experience with ME on an SLX/6000 series camera.
I've searched the web and found a costly and hyper-bulky multiple exposure unit, and a compelling Cable Release called 'MRC-120'. However, I'm not 100% sure this would work on an SLX-2, as the website that advertises it speaks of 6006. I searched online with no luck and asked the seller but he's not sure either. I could give it a shot and try, but would love to hear from you first.
Also, would you be so kind to brief me on how it would work? Again, inconsistent info out there: a page mentioned to simply set the switch on 'ME' and press 'start', adding that for the second and following exposures the mirror would be locked-up... If this is true, how do you compose (just through the spot viewfinder?) and how do you unlock the mirror?
Thanks in advance (also for having me here)...