For the coming weeks I keep old and new side by side, to iron out technical issues. Please leave a message on the forum with your thoughts Thanks : Jacob
RolleiClub discussion
Tell what you expect of the Rolleiclub on the www. This helps us with site development. Use the appropriate category. Often we notice camera discussions in the wrong category. Assisting to do so keeps the forum more transparent to visitors searching a specific topic.
The Square Galley
Dear Members , instead of opting for a complicated image gallery system I'm going to try if this works: Post your images here , preferably square ones. Start with a little description about the mini gallery you create ,your photography / camera(s). [b]You can always return to your original post and add more photos , that way the Galleries stay organised per member.
Enjoy! Jacob
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My Rollei Collection Post images of your Rollei / Rolleiflex Camera collection here. Just bought in a well used worn out condition or as good as when new , all are welcome ! You can always add more to a previous post you made. The Forum system takes care of showing off in a nice Gallery format.
4 x 4 , The Baby Rolleiflex
All our Babies please meet here !! Share your little wisdom with other babies. Tell the secret places to get 127 film. Just support each other to keep your baby Rolleiflex alive !!
Rollei 35 Classic
All you like to ask or tell about the famous Rollei 35 : the orginal Rollei 35 made in Germany , the 35 series made in Singapore and the German Classic
84 Topics
277 Posts
Last post by JanBoettcher Sun Nov 27, 2016 12:32 am
Rollei 35 mm SLR
Exchange your ideas about the various Rollei 35mm SLR cameras. Including the 2000 and 3003 series. Excluding the classic Rollei35 which has it's own forum.
Rolleiflex SLX and 6000 series
My favourite tool of the trade was the Rolleiflex 6008. The Rolleiflex SLX , 6006 , 6008 and 6002 , including the 6008 AF , all those still very modern Rolleiflexes have their own home in the forum.
Last post by rocofan+1307 Sat Dec 31, 2016 5:40 am
Rolleiflex Hy6
When the forum started its life the Rolleiflex Hy6 was about the emerge. Soon after the original Franke & Heidecke factory ran in troubled waters. But it appears the 'new' manufacturers of Rolleiflex in Braunschweig are on top of it again and a new version of the ultra modern Hy6 is in production. Reason enough to give the Rolleiflex Hy6 its own place in the forum.
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The SL66 has it's own website: Made by your's only... 100% part of the RolleiClub but separate to visit. </br>A tribute to former RolleiClub and SL66 webmaster Mark Meijer.</br> The users and visitors of are invited to join this forum, so we keep all RolleiClub forum users in one place instead of spread over two separate forums.
Film in the digital age
With digital taking over faster as anyone could have predicted our good old film seems to vanish even faster. With manufacturers scaring out of the film arena, dropping whole ranges of film products due to falling demand. <br>But there are still huge numbers of film - photographers. Not in the last place for reasons of quality, known ways of archiving , creativity and perhaps the most important reason : " With film one creates a unique light impression that can not be just deleted it is a permanent recording of what the photographer sees AND thinks ". <br><br> Discuss here whatever you like about film: Brands, types, formats, chemicals, storage etc. etc. Feel free to promote your favorite brand with address and all !!
All Rollei slide projectors
When I was about 14 years of age my dad bought a new slide projector, that is some 40 odd years ago, it was a Rollei made by Franke and Heidecke, the projector is still functional and still in the family! F & H is about the last company today that stll makes high quality projectors. As requested by one forum member , this forum is more than appropriate !
13 Topics
23 Posts
Last post by landsberger Sat Sep 19, 2015 12:05 am
Manuals & Brochures
If you have good scans of Manuals and/or brochures available please send me (id = rolleiclubleader ) a note. I will then send you a special upload link that bypasses my overloaded email address.
All help in building a Rollei manual & brochure database is welcome !
Pending the coming members advertising pages you can post here your FREE advertisement to SELL or SWAP your Rollei or ROLLEIFLEX or if you really want .... other camera brands.
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Pending the coming members advertising pages you can post her your FREE ad for WANTED Rollei - Rolleiflex or if you really wish .... other camera equipment.
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Ask for and/or share repair advice. Maybe you miss a small part , ask for it here and someone may turn up with that rare missing shuttertriggerknobeyewasherscrew.... or so :-)
Tell us your Rollei repairers addresses. Every now and agian we will copy submitted adresses into the repairers database.
Tell the world about a Rollei related event. Anywhere , anytime.
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General Camera advice
Maybe you designed an unique way to store or transport a camera. Or you designed a handy tool or gadget to fix a camera. Or you want to share how you overcame a certain camera problem. Maybe you found a new way of cleaning the lens.
You get the idea: share that very special experience here.
In total there are 218 users online :: 2 registered, 0 hidden and 216 guests (based on users active over the past 15 minutes) Most users ever online was 1709 on Fri Jan 10, 2025 5:34 am
Total posts 3598 • Total topics 962 • Total members 2667 • Our newest member rocofan+1307
Rolleiclub Sponsors
Exceptional eBay listings:
Ebay Section 1
Coming Soon , direct links to detailed Rollei searches on Ebay , save time and get the most results.
Ebay Section 2
Coming Soon , direct links to detailed Rollei searches on Ebay , save time and get the most results.
Ebay Section 3
Coming Soon , direct links to detailed Rollei searches on Ebay , save time and get the most results.
List item one
List item two
List item three
Ebay Section 4
Coming Soon , direct links to detailed Rollei searches on Ebay , save time and get the most results.
Coming Soon , direct links to detailed Rollei searches on Ebay , save time and get the most results.
Image upload instructions:
The forum has a powerful image management system. It creates automatic image thumbnail libraries and Slideshow Galleries in a post.
1. Post / reply a message: click the appropriate button to Open the editor
2. Scrolldown the editor
3. Click on Upload Attachment
4. Choose File = the image in your computer
5. Add file comment like : "my Fabulous photo taken with a Rolleiflex"
6. ClickAdd the file button below
7. If desired continue with more images
8. Click the Place inline button under each added image in any order
9. You should see something like this : [attachment=2]001_Original_Rolleiflex.jpg[/attachment]
10. If you like encapsulate the code created in Quotes :
Use the quote button for that.
11. If you upload multiple images they can be viewed as a slideshow: click on the first one and use your arrow keys to go next/previous.
12. You can always return to your original post and add / delete images.