Voigtländer Color Skoparex 2,8, 25 mm - any opinions?

Tue Mar 02, 2010 11:19 am
by euphras
I own that aforementioned lens in my "bag" and i´m considering either to sell or keep this one. What do you think about this lens? How much could this be worth? The lenses are in a very good shape, the coating is undamaged, the outer housing is also in pretty good shape (in my opinion)
Best regards!
A pic:


Fri Mar 05, 2010 9:53 am
by JanBoettcher
With a little luck you will find one like that in a poorly made ebay-auction connected to a camera around 80,- Euro and with some more luck you may sell it via ebay in a nicely made auction around 250,- Euro ;-)
A "nicely made auction" would include what mount it is (Rollei QBM 2 or 3 pin (it doesn't have the 1 pin's A/M lever) or M42 thread mount? (my guess 2pin QBM)) and where it was made (Singapore or Germany (my guess: Germany)).

Fri Mar 05, 2010 10:53 am
by euphras
Hi Jan,
your answer is highly appreciated. Here is a picture of the rear side of the lens:
My heart is bleeding when i consider to sell the lens but at the moment money is too tight to mention...

Fri Mar 05, 2010 8:04 pm
by JanBoettcher
"QBM 2 pin".
Supports open aperture metering on Voigtländer VSL1, -2 &-3E, Rolleiflex SL 350, SL 35M&ME&E, SL 2000F, 3001 and 3003.
Does not support f-stop display in SL 2000 F, 3001 and 3003 viewfinder.
Do mention "Made in Germany" and "computed by Carl Zeiss Oberkochen" in the auction's description to get the best price - "vintage", "l@@k!!!", "rare!" and "minty" in the title may help too ;-)
The lens first appeared (to my knowledge) in Contarex mount as a "Distagon", it continued through the Rollei days, was made in Germany and Singapore with and without "HFT" and lived on as "Zeiss MM T* Made in Japan" with the Contax/Yashica-mount (without the MM it was made with Yashica-mount in Germany too) ... it's a pretty good lens, but as a user the Sigma 2,8/24 super mini wide is noticeably superior (don't mention this when selling ;-). Rollei supplied a nice dedicated square push-on shade.