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My little German virgin • the International Rollei Club
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My little German virgin

Post images of your Rollei / Rolleiflex Camera collection here.
Just bought in a well used worn out condition or as good as when new , all are welcome !
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My little German virgin

Postby rolleiclubleader » Mon Nov 06, 2006 9:25 am

Dear all repliers to my 'opening' announcement. It is really encouraging to get such positive feedback.
So I thought to share with you my most recent intimate Rollei relationship ;-) ::
About a year ago I met her, it was an internet dating. She looked so good on the pictures, was still a virgin, and born around 1966 in Germany. I'm from Holland so we sort should go on well. I replied to her ad on Ebay !! She agreed to come over to Australia. Wow that was a meeting , I had seen many German virgins like her in the '60s and '70s in Holland but did not expect that she really would be that good. Complete with soft leather handbag and hard case she arrived in town. Unfortunately she was on a special diet of some long time ago forbidden energy. But again came good luck to my assistance and in a small shop in Victoria ( Australia ) I found the diet which would bring her back to full glory. Mercury it is she consumes... A few weeks ago I took her for a walk tru our garden, we live on a mountain in the subtropics and early mornings the mist in the valley is wonderfull. I tell you what, walking around with that cute little German girl made me fall in love with her , I saw the world with a new eye and managed to let her keep the memory alive for me in the sharpest brightest fashion ever.

She was loaded with a near fresh mercury cell ( the one from Victoria ) and a Fuji Velvia Film. Yesterday the results came in and boy oh boy my little German Rollei 35 has won big time over all those other Rollei 6000 series I ever used as a professional. She is mine , I love her !
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Postby DPurdy » Thu Nov 09, 2006 1:45 pm

I just recently added a 35S to my "family". Mine never was represented as virgin and certainly wasn't, and I had to send it in for repair even though the seller said it worked fine. It does seem to have a good lens though the guesstimation focusing is a bit of a problem for me as I seem to forever see my pictures at a close distance where the focus is most critical. I can carry the camera in my pant pocket and I just keep a little electrical black tape over the meter when not using it. I went out the other day with my 4x5 to walk in a forest and I took more photos with the Rollei than the 4x5. It is a bit like keeping a record of the photos I was almost able to take with the bigger camera but ran into problems with. So anyway now I have a camera I can take anywhere any time and don't even have to bother with a camera bag. The meter seems good enough.
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A walk with your 35

Postby rolleiclubleader » Thu Nov 09, 2006 10:16 pm

See my topic in the 35 forum regarding distance please
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Postby engbobs » Sun Nov 26, 2006 1:50 pm

Interesting stories about Affair de Rollei!!!
My first encounter was in 1961 in a Munich Camera store where I acquired a 2.8F TLR Rolleiflex which I still have. Many years ago I acquired another of those fine cameras. I was always fascinated by the 2000 and 3003 cameras but could not afford them when first available. Fortunately they have become available in the used market and I have acquired a nice collection of working models. I use them frequently and with great pleasure. I think they are the finest 35mm cameras available. The addition of an SL66 has rounded out my arsenal. For convenience I keep a pocket 35mm Rollei at the ready when I am out and about, it provides wonderful images for such a small package. While not seen much lately, the Rollei 16 and 16S are also fine gems. I have them but have not had time to use them, which I intend to do soon. You can tell I have a deep attachment to Rollei equipment, would not be without one or more when I travel.
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Re: My little German virgin

Postby R-BUFF » Wed Apr 04, 2007 9:26 pm

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Postby sniedermair » Thu Aug 02, 2007 6:27 am

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Re: My little German virgin

Postby Chappuis » Tue Jan 03, 2017 9:31 pm

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